Au Service De Madame

Written by Monaco Prestige

Au service de madameWe recruit (guardian, housekeeper, cook, chauffeur, gardener, gamekeeper, nannie) whose manager, Ms Laurence MARSAUD, has fifteen years of experience in luxury properties.


With an extensive network database, and for your better satisfaction, the firm « Au Service De Madame” is at your disposal to recruit the high class staff that will respond to your most unusual expectations.
Our reputation is based on the years of experience and special care that we provide in order to recruit best of the best. Our selection process is also extremely severe; it involves repeated interviews, a comprehensive examination of all existing references, as well as the investigation on the absence of the criminal record. We managed to elaborate a varied and well instructed database. Be sure to find the most brilliant staff you ever had!
According to your request we can recruit the staff on term contract or on a permanent contract.
We suggest you to recruit your staff in strict accordance with your personal selection criteria. A confidentiality agreement is an obvious condition that is respected in the case of each candidate before the first interview. We work both in France and abroad, you can contact us as well if you require an interview or more details about the service concerned.
Concierge deluxe is always at your disposal as well as service of personal instruction on requirement, we offer you a genuine traditions of French Riviera and  discovery of the French lifestyle
Note that the firm « Au Services De Madame » and its luxury concierge is opened seven days a week from 8:00 to 8:30 p.m.

About the author

Monaco Prestige

Le Guide du luxe à Monaco