
Immunobank, the bio-assurance

Written by Monaco Prestige

Anti-aging medicine has made its entry into the healthcare market and it is Immunobank, a company located in the Netherlands, who found the solution to store your immune system, for decades, so you can use it later if necessary.

« Aujourd’hui le préventif c’est l’avenir, avec un retour aux sources sans passer par la médecine chimique », insiste l’un des intervenants proche de ce projet.

The principle is simple. Take a small part of your immune cells, the blood cells that fight constantly against various viral and bacterial attacks needed to be healthy, and subsequently redistribute them.

And when sampling, only immunocompetent cells PBMC (lymphocytes and monocytes) are kept healthy and returned to the body if necessary. « We can then overcome the wear and tear of time using your own body. But not only this, Immunobank also allows you to recover faster in the event of diseases such as melanoma or prostate cancer … and thus helping you to live longer », says partner Immunobank.

In addition, thanks to using this method no rejection can be faced as they are your own cells which will be re-injected. « Everything is on us to take care of us, » he continues. A bio insurance at the forefront of biotechnology so that our immune system is still young and powerful.


Fast and efficient, one session will be necessary to collect samples distributed after in different pockets. These will be totally anonymous and discreet; it will be under an identification number that can be traced from the donor.

For this private bank the watchwords are: reliability, security, privacy and hope, one day, to offer an optimization of the immune system to fight against infections, cancers, etc.

Clik here to download Immunobank brochure.

Clik here to download the article published in « Les Echos ».

Contact :
Dr François Fisch
+33 6 07 33 38 81

About the author

Monaco Prestige

Le Guide du luxe à Monaco